
Senior portrait appointments will be open starting September 7th. If you are a senior and have not taken your pictures for the yearbook, you should make an appointment as soon as possible. The studio will be on campus, in the library, on October 1st and 2nd from 3:00 - 9:00 p.m.  If you are unable to take your picture with our studio on-campus, you will need to take your portrait by October 31st at the studio in Anaheim. Seniors who do not photograph with our studio by October 31st will NOT appear in the yearbook. There are no exceptions. 
If appointments for the photos close, the studio may be able to accommodate your child for a one-pose, one-shot picture just for the yearbook, on campus. This is NOT a guarantee and they WILL prioritize students with a scheduled appointment first. Please understand, even if you show up as a walk-in for the yearbook only portrait, they may not be able to take your picture if time does not allow. THERE ARE NO GUARANTEES. 
All seniors should have received a personalized code to schedule their appointment with the studio. You can make your appointment here
We will not accept personal photographs and the yearbook class cannot take your senior portrait for you. Please make every effort to photograph with our studio if you want to appear in the portrait section of the yearbook. 
Yearbooks are non-refundable, even if your child does not appear in the book. 
The Pre-Halloween Sale Has Started
From now to September 30th, enjoy a discount on the yearbook for $115. This is the cheapest the book will ever be this year and once the sale is over, the prices WILL increase.
Ads are also on sale with a deep discount until October 31st. Purchase your senior ad early to enjoy the largest savings possible. 
Yearbooks can be purchased at and if you are having trouble, you can view this walkthrough video to help you purchase your book. 
There are NO refunds, for any reason, on yearbooks or senior ads. Please ensure your child is taking their yearbook pictures, otherwise they will not be featured in the portrait section and the book will not be refunded. 
Donations can also be sent on the website to purchase a book for a student in need. We appreciate any donations towards yearbooks.
Where can I buy a yearbook?
Yearbooks can be purchased online at .
Where can I purchase a senior ad?
Senior ads can be purchased online at
How does a senior ad work?
Ads are designed by the yearbook staff for a consistent look that matches the theme of the book. Parents can send us the pictures they would like to have included in the yearbook and the message they would like included. 
There is a limit to what can be included in your ads, however the numbers below are estimates and can change based on the size of your pictures and message.
Full page ads can generally fit 10 standard size pictures with a 200 word message.
Half page ads can generally fit 6 standard size pictures with a 200 word message.
Quarter page ads can generally fit 3 standard size pictures with a 150 word message. 
1/8th page ads can fit 1 picture with a 100 word message.
Ads will be created throughout the school year and once completed by the yearbook staff will be sent to you for approval. Please keep in mind, we are happy to work with you on many elements of the ad, but the overall theme and design will not be something we can change. 
What kind of pictures can I send in?
We will only accept digital photos. You can upload these on the Walsworth website when you purchase an ad or email to Mr. Garcia. If you do not receive a confirmation email of the receipt of your images within 48 hours, please call and check they were received as some emails get blocked. 
If you want to use printed photos, please keep in mind you will need to scan these images to produce a digital file.
What can the images NOT include?
As the yearbook is a high school publication, the images must adhere to the school regulations and societal standards of appropriateness for high school students. We will not accept any pictures with drug, alcohol or tobacco in them, including paraphernalia and/or references. Gang related attire and/or gang signs are also prohibited. Any pictures where the standard of attire is not within good taste for a high school publication will also be denied. These are examples, the yearbook reserves the right to not accept any photo we deem not appropriate for the book. 
What is the cost of the yearbook?
This year's book is priced at $130 per book, however, this price does not take effect until March 15th, 2024. Up until that date the book is available for a lower price, so the earlier you purchase, the cheaper the book will be. 
Our cheapest price is during registration, so make sure you purchase one then!
The price of the yearbook is non-negotiable. Please keep in mind, the yearbook class is funded by the sales it makes on a yearly basis. The price of the yearbook includes not only the cost of what we pay our publisher, but also the cost of adding additional pages to the book and the equipment needed to supply the class with the latest cameras, computers, lighting, props and much more. All of the money made by yearbook goes to support the yearbook class and the students.
What happens if I find an error in the yearbook or my child's name was spelled incorrectly? 
The yearbook class makes every attempt to ensure accuracy throughout the book. However, please keep in mind, we are NOT a professional publication. Mistakes WILL happen and we cannot guarantee otherwise. Please accept our sincerest apologies for any errors.
When are yearbooks delivered?
Yearbooks are distributed in May. The exact date will be announced later in the year as we near distribution. 
Can I buy a book at distribution?
Only a limited number of books are available. Once they sell out we cannot order more. If you want to guarantee yourself a book you should buy it as soon as you can. This will also mean you get a lower price as well. 
Is every student guaranteed to be in the yearbook?
We make every attempt to include as many students as possible in the yearbook, however, it is not a guarantee we include everyone. Please keep in mind, taking your class and senior portrait is the best way to get into the book. If you do not take a portrait, there is NO GUARANTEE you will appear anywhere in the book. 
If you want to make it into the book please ensure you take your portrait, listen to school announcements for yearbook events and photo ops, watch out for yearbook crew at school activities and during brunch and lunch, and follow our Instagram to see what we are working on! You can join our Instagram at svdons.yearbook
Can I submit pictures for the yearbook?
Absolutely! Check out our instagram and watch for our ads that ask for pictures. Send them to us that way and we will review them for the yearbook.
Don't have instagram? You can use yearbook SNAP! to send us pictures as well.
Please understand, pictures sent to us are NOT guaranteed to be included in the yearbook. All pictures must also be school appropriate.
Can I take my senior portrait with another studio and send them to you?
No. All portraits included in the yearbook must be done by our chosen studio, so make sure you make your appointment as soon as they become available. 
I missed senior portraits or transferred to the school later in the year. Can I still appear in the portrait section of the yearbook?
Unfortunately we cannot take portraits after the make-up date. Please understand, as a publication, we are subject to the timelines set by our publisher and cannot extend these deadlines.
The yearbook has become more expensive over the years. Why?
The costs of producing the books has increased over the years. As our publisher increases prices, we must also increase our sale price.
Please keep in mind, the yearbook class is funded by our sales, we do not receive money from the school to purchase our equipment (which has also risen in price over the years). So our prices have to allow us to make money in order to continue to maintain professional equipment and purchase new equipment, including computers that can handle adobe suite software.
Over the years we have also tried to include more unique photo opportunities that have costs associated with them.
And finally, our book has expanded greatly in its page count. Prior to the 2022 yearbook, our yearbooks only included 208 pages and were very limited in the content we could produce and the number of students, clubs and athletic teams we could showcase. When I took over yearbook I decided I wanted to include as many clubs, activities, school events, and most importantly, students, as possible. The extra pages add to the cost of the book and is the primary reason the cost has risen. We hope you enjoy the extra content we are bringing to you. 
I have additional questions about the yearbook, who can I contact?
You can contact Mr. Garcia at [email protected] (preferred method) or you can call during my prep period (2:45 - 3:30). I may not by in the classroom so email is the preferred method to ensure I receive your message. 
You can also contact Mrs. Self at [email protected] (preferred method).