RaeLynn Gomez » Mrs. Rae Lynn Gomez: About Me

Mrs. Rae Lynn Gomez: About Me

Greetings Sierra Vista High School Family!
My name is Rae Lynn Gomez, and I have the honor and privilege of serving as a 10th-grade and 11th-grade English teacher here at SVHS.
I was born, raised, and educated in Baldwin Park, where I attended Margaret Heath Elementary School, Landis Junior High (Holland/ BP Stem), and Baldwin Park High School.
I am a Brave at heart, but I am proud to be a Don! I love teaching in the same community that I grew up in. 
I currently reside in Baldwin Park with my husband, daughter, and our five fur- babies. 
My contact information is:
(626) 960-7741 ext. 87567
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns,