Science Teachers

A – G Requirements (UC’s, Cal States, Private)



2 years required ( 3 years recommended)


All courses approved for the science (D) subject requirement will be designed with the explicit intention of developing and encouraging scientific habits of mind important for university-level studies, and aligned with the eight practices of science and engineering identified by the National Research Council Framework and detailed within the California Next Generation Science Standards




Ms. Bashier
Ext. 87011
Ext. 84281
Ms. Duckering
Ext. 87025 
Mr. Garcia
Ext. 87038
Ms. Johnston
Ext. 87055 
Ms. Naylor
Ext. 87074 
Ms. Phelps
Ext. 87083 
Mrs. Rosewitz 
Ext. 87095
Mrs. Self
Ext. 87104